Mary Kelly Seminar

Photo: Åsa Lundén
Lecture about about Mary Kelly's influence on my own work at the Mary Kelly Seminar. Arranged by Malmö Art Academy, Malmö Konsthal and Malmö Art Museum.
Press Release:
Seminar: Mary Kelly
Sunday 4th of June at 1–4 pm
Mary Kelly is a legendary artist, feminist and teacher. Her Post Partum Document (1973–79) was one of the first research-based works in an international art context and was pioneering in its form, which combines Lacanian structuralism with personal diary entries and field research about living together with a small child during its first few years. The film Night Cleaners (1972–75), which she did within the Berwick Street Collective, wrote feminist film history.
Mary Kelly has been a very important source of inspiration for Malmö Art Academy and has taught and lectured there on several occasions. On the 2nd of June Mary Kelly is being awarded an honorary doctorate by Lund University. To mark the occasion Malmö Konsthall together with Malmö Art Academy and Malmö Art Museum will hold a seminar featuring Mary Kelly herself plus two younger artists who have been heavily influenced by her: Maj Hasager and Bettina Camilla Vestergaard.
Mary Kelly’s works have been exhibited in Sweden at Uppsala Art Museum in 1994, Malmö Art Museum in 1996 and Moderna Museet in 2010.
Admission is free but places are limited. In English. Co-organisers: Malmö Art Academy and Malmö Art Museum.